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The High Value Biorenewables Network (HVB) is one of six Phase II BBSRC Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (NIBB) funded for six years from January 2019. Details of all six Phase II NIBB are available at:

High Value Biorenewables builds on the success of the High Value Chemicals from Plants Network, one of 13 Phase I BBSRC NIBB funded from January 2014 – December 2018. 

HVB Governance

The Network is managed by an Executive Group working with support from a Management Board. Together, these comprise the Network Leadership Team.

HVB Executive Group members

Professor Ian Graham

Network Director

Centre for Novel Agricultural Products, University of York

Professor Anne Osbourn

Network Co-Director

John Innes Centre

Dr Caroline Calvert

Associate Director

University of York

Stephanie Simpson

Network Administrator

University of York

HVB Management Board members

Eleanor Binner Associate Professor, University of Nottingham
Tim Bowser Principal, Impact Science Consulting
Andrew Collis Synthetic Biochemistry Technical Lead, GSK Pharma Supply Chain
Paul Fraser Professor of Biochemistry, Royal Holloway University of London
Matthew Hodges Director of Commercial Operations, Oxford Biotrans
Johnathan Napier Flagship Leader, Rothamsted Research
Nicola Patron Director, Earlham DNA Foundry, Earlham Institute
Simon Saxby (Chair) Chief Executive Officer, Leaf Expression Systems Ltd
Monique Simmonds Deputy Director of Science, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Helen Townley University Research Lecturer, University of Oxford

HVB Flexible Fund

The Network has awarded a total of £1.4 million for Proof of Concept studies, Business Interaction Vouchers, Enterprise Fellowships and Follow on Projects. The impact of these awards is described in case studies available here. All the flexible funds have now been allocated.

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